SiteCheck Signatures

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The web page cannot be scanned as it returns a client error (HTTP status code from 400 to 499). The most common codes are listed below; please find the one you see in the SiteCheck results.

While such issues may have their origin in pure techical problems unrelated to hacker attacks, it's still a good idea to notify webmasters about them, since it's a sign that website does not work properly (or won't load completely) and this issue should be resolved as soon as possible anyway.

400 Bad Request
This error code means your webserver cannot process the request from SiteCheck because it considers the request malformed. Please check your web server logs for details. The error may be caused by server misconfiguration.

401 Unauthorized
This error code means the page requires authentication credentials (such as username and password passed in the Authorization: Basic header). Unfortunately, SiteCheck cannot scan such pages.

403 Forbidden
This error code may mean the site was disabled by its hosting provider because of malware problems. The site also may be under maintenance at the moment and you should try scanning it later. Another possible reason is some parts of the website have restricted access and our scanner could not scan them.

404 Not Found
This usually means SiteCheck found a broken link on your website. Please check the URL specified in the SiteCheck results and try to fix it on your web pages.

405 Method Not Allowed
This error code is frequently caused by DistilNetworks captcha. If you are using this software, please try to whitelist the SiteCheck IP address that you see in the webserver logs. Also please note that SiteCheck only sends GET requests and can scan web sites, not API endpoints.

406 Not Acceptable
This error code is used by some web hostings for websites locked for distributing malware. Please try to open the website in a browser. This code can also mean that SiteCheck sent the Accept / Accept-Language / Accept-Encoding headers that your web server cannot handle. Please check your web server configuration.

408 Request Timeout
The webserver closed connection as unused. This is usually a temporary problem. Please try to scan the website again by clicking Force a Re-scan link at the bottom of the SiteCheck results page. Please also check your website load time.

410 Gone
This error code is used by some web hostings for websites deleted by their authors. It also may mean SiteCheck found a broken link on your website. Please check the URL specified in the SiteCheck results and try to fix it on your web pages.

423 Locked
This error code is used by some web hostings for websites locked for distributing malware. Please try to open the website in a browser; you should see a locked page from your web hosting service.

429 Too Many Requests
Your webserver implements rate limiting, so SiteCheck cannot scan it. Please try to whitelist the SiteCheck IP address that you see in the webserver logs.